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6. 官網會員如果發現或懷疑有第三人使用其身分證字號或密碼,應該立即通知本公司,採取必要的必要的防範措施。但上述通知不得解釋為本公司對官網會員負有任何形式之賠償或補償之責任或義務。  
























































Limitation Liability|免責條款

歡迎您成為 www.urbancrewgarments.com 網站(以下簡稱本公司)的用戶,為了能讓您安心使用本公司網站的各項服務,並保障您的權益,請務必確保您已詳細閱讀及明確瞭解以下『免責聲明』,並同意,屬下列情況發生時本網站毋須擔負任何責任:



2.本公司可能會連接至其他機構或有提供或建置相關連結所提供至第三人網頁者,該等連結所指向之網頁或資料,均為被連結網站所提供,相關權利為該等網站、內容提供者或合法權利人所有,本公司不會對這些網頁內容作出任何保證或承擔任何責任。使用者如瀏覽這些網頁,將要自己承擔後果。本公司就各項服務, 本公司 不擔保其真實性、正確性、即時性、完整性或合法性。  




6.本公司隨時可修改、暫停或中斷本公司網站之全部或一部,包括 停止或變更網頁資料, 所有或任何本網站上的服務、專欄、資料庫或內容, 而毋須事前通知用戶。 即可改正本公司網站任何一部分之錯誤或遺漏,或可對某些項目或服務增加限制,或可限制您對本公司網站之全部或一部之使用且不須因此負任何責任。本公司亦保留隨時依法令規定或政府命令揭露任何資訊之權利。  



Privacy Policy|隱私權政策

本隱私權保護政策為時和設計有限公司其所屬URBAN CREW網站(www.urbancrewgarments.com) 以下簡稱URBAN CREW。在保護使用者個人資料、及提供更佳服務的原則之下,基於個人資料保護法所制訂,我們將依此隱私權政策來處理、使用網站所收集到的使用者個人資料並盡力加以保護,您可從以下內容詳細了解。



- URBAN CREW所取得的個人資料,都僅供本網站於其內部、依照原來所說明的使用目的和範圍,除非事先說明、或依照相關法律規定,否則URBAN CREW網站不會將資料提供給第三人、或移作其他目的使用。個人資料是指得以識別您的身分且未公開的資料,如姓名、地址、電子郵件地址或電話號碼。

- 當您註冊成為URBAN CREW會員後,您可以隨時利用您的帳號和密碼更改您所輸入的任何個人資料。但是以往在已完成的商品交易、服務內容紀錄、收貨人及付款資料等,則不在此更改範圍內。購物、參加本網站舉辦之活動時,本網站會收集由您所提供的或在前述使用過程中所產生的資料。

- 你的個人資料會用作以下用途:完成你對某項產品的要求及通知你特別活動或新產品,寄發網站資訊(如電子報等),而您可透過登入網站設定取消接受。 - 為了確保會員之個人資料、隱私及保護消費者權益,於交易過程中將使用會員之個人資料,並依個人資料保護法第8條規定告知以下事項:蒐集之目的在於進行行銷業務、消費者、客戶管理與服務、網路購物及其他電子商務服務及與調查、統計與研究分析(法定特定目的項目編號為O四O、O九O、一四八、一五七)。本服務將藉由加入會員之過程或進行交易之過程來蒐集個人資料。

- 資料蒐集之目的:


(Ⅰ) 辨識個人者: 如會員之姓名、地址、電話、電子郵件等資訊。

(Ⅱ) 辨識財務者: 如信用卡或金融機構帳戶資訊。

(Ⅲ) 個人描述:例如:性別、出生年月日等。 - 蒐集之個人資料類別:

(Ⅰ) 利用期間、地區、對象及方式:

• 以會員身份使用URBAN CREW提供之各項服務時,於頁面中自動顯示會員資訊。
• 為進行交易行為:會員對商品或勞務為預約、下標、購買、參與贈獎等之活動或從事其他交易時,關於商品配送、勞務提供、價金給付、回覆客戶之詢問、本服務對會員之詢問、相關售後服務及其他遂行交易所必要之業務。 宣傳廣告或行銷等:提供會員各種電子雜誌等資訊、透過電子郵件、郵件、電話等提供與服務有關之資訊。
• 回覆客戶之詢問:針對會員透過客服中心系統或其他任何直接間接連絡方式向URBAN CREW所提出之詢問進行回覆。
• 其他業務附隨之事項:附隨於上述各項之利用目的而為URBAN CREW提供服務所必要之使用。

(Ⅱ) 會員就個人資料之權利:本服務所蒐集個人資料之會員當事人,依個人資料保護法得對URBAN CREW主張行使以下權利:
• 請求製給複製本。
• 請求補充或更正。
• 請求製給複製本。
• 請求停止蒐集、處理或利用。
• 請求刪除。會員如欲行使上述權利,可與URBAN CREW客服中心連絡進行申請。  



- 除非是為了向您提供您所要求的產品或服務、獲得您的授權,或有以下情形,否則URBAN CREW不會向任何其他人士或非關係企業提供您的個人資料,或與之分享。

- 對傳票、法院命令或法律程序作出回應、取得或行使法律權利,或對訴訟上之請求提出防禦。為了配合調查和防止非法活動、涉嫌詐欺、對人身安全有潛在威脅的狀況、對本網站服務條款的違反,或為了對上述情形採取應對措施,或法律另有規定,而有必要分享您的個人資料時,因維護社會及公眾安全,URBAN CREW 若經過相關政府機關或是檢調單位的合法要求,將協助配合,必要時將會提供消費者個人資料予相關單位。

- 如果本網站全部或部分業務被其他公司收購或合併,我們會將您的個人資料移轉給該公司。如果發生這種情況,本網站會在您的個人資料被移轉且將適用不同的隱私權政策前通知您。  



- 我們會將有權存取您個人資料之員工限於我們合理相信是為了向您提供產品或服務或為了完成工作而需要取得這些資料的員工。

- 我們已採取密碼管控防護措施,並在部份網頁使用SSL傳輸加密機制,以保護您個人資料的安全。

- 同時建議您作好個人帳號資料保密,請勿洩漏帳號資料給第三者,以保障您的個人權益。

- 於一般瀏覽時,伺服器會自行記錄相關行徑,包括會記錄您上站的IP位址、使用時間、使用的瀏覽器、在網站內瀏覽活動等資料及點選資料記錄等,做為我們增進網站服務的參考依據,利於提昇網站的服務品質,此記錄為內部應用,但這些資料僅供URBAN CREW網站內部作網站流量和網路行為調查的總量分析,同時在不揭露各該資料的情形下,公開或使用統計資料。  



為了便利會員使用,URBAN CREW會在您的電腦上設定與存取cookie,您可以透過設定您的個人電腦或上網設備,決定是否准許使用cookie。若您關閉Cookie時,可能會造成您使用本網站服務時之全部或部分功能限制。  



本公司將會不時視需要,隨時修改本網站所提供的隱私權保護政策。當我們完成隱私權條款修改時,將立即刊登於本網站上,以落實保護消費者隱私權的目的。會員如果對於URBAN CREW隱私權聲明、或與個人資料有關之相關事項有任何疑問時,為了落實保障您隱私權的立意,可以利用客服中心語客服人員反應與聯絡。


  • 會員能隨時在網站的會員帳號查看授權的姓名與電郵資料,並且僅作為商店會員、訂單資料的內容。
  • 商店依照本人請求,可透過商店右上角聯絡我們管道提出刪除、停止使用該個人資料的要求。
  • 相關需求可來信至:ucmarketing0914@gmail.com


Copyright Statement|著作權聲明




本公司 網站之內容及資料僅供您作個人且非商業用途的使用。 本公司 網站之所有內容,皆受著作權法保護,且為 本公司 及/或其關係企業所擁有或依法取得著作權人之同意使用。您將遵守 本公司 網站內任何內容所含之所有其他著作權聲明、須知或限制的規定。您可以為個人且非商業使用目的下載或複製本網站內容或其他於本公司網站可下載的項目,但是您明瞭必須將其上之著作權字樣予以保留,而且您必須保留所有包含在上述網站內容上的著作權及其他聲明而不得擅自將之移除。未得到本公司及/或其關係企業或本網站內容著作權人的事先書面同意,非為個人及非商業使用目的而複製或儲存本網站內容之任何一部分卻未得到本公司及/或其關係企業或本網站內容著作權人的事先書面同意,是明文禁止的行為。  

使用者若欲利用URBAN CREW所屬網站之內容、服務或有其他需求,請先參見各服務之政策與條款,以便即時解答您的疑惑,若沒有相關問題之答覆,煩請直接洽詢客服中心,由客服人員為您解答。  

URBAN CREW所屬網站上所刊載之著作權聲明、商標或其他聲明,嚴禁更改或移除。本聲明的解釋與適用,以及有關的爭議,均應以中華民國法律為準據法(不包括依據涉外民事法律適用法而應適用外國法律的規定)。

MEMBERSHIP|Membership Terms of Service

Official website membership terms of service

1. The "official website member" referred to in this membership service terms refers to those who have completed membership and passed the certification in accordance with the membership procedures stipulated on this site.

2. When you use the services of this site, it means that you agree to and abide by the provisions of the terms of service and the provisions of relevant laws.

3. This site reserves the right to review the membership of the official website. In addition, for those who have joined the official website, this site also reserves the right to cancel their membership.

4. The revision of the membership service terms of this official website is applicable to all members of the official website. This site has the right to modify or change the content of the membership revisions of this official website at any time. It is recommended that you pay attention to the modification or change of the membership terms of this official website at any time. If you continue to use this site after any modification or change, it is deemed that you have read, understood and agreed to accept the modification or change of the membership terms of the official website of this site. If you do not agree with the contents of this official website membership modification, you should stop using this website immediately.

privacy protection

Respect and protect your privacy in accordance with the "Privacy Protection Statement" of this website.

Official website member

1. When using the official website membership service provided by this site, use the account number and password that you logged in when you joined the membership.

2. Members of the official website must fulfill their responsibilities for the use and management of account numbers and passwords. Members of the official website shall bear full responsibility for all actions and results caused or derived from the use of the official website member's account and password (not related to the official website member himself or others) to use the services of this site.

3. When the account number and password of the official website member are lost, or found to be misused by a third party for no reason, they should immediately notify the site to contact and report the loss. Due to failure to notify immediately, resulting in the site being unable to effectively prevent and modify, all losses caused by the official website Members are solely responsible.

4. Every time you finish using this service, log out the member and close the window to ensure your member rights on the official website.

5. When the account number and password of a third-party member are stolen, causing the third party or the company to be investigated or prosecuted by other third parties or administrative agencies, the third-party member or the company has the right to claim damages from you, including but Not limited to litigation costs, attorney fees and loss of goodwill, etc.

Official website member login information

1. Member login information on the official website must provide you with correct, up-to-date and complete information. This site will integrate information based on the personal information you provide, member birthday gift discounts, and email and other marketing notifications from time to time and other customer exclusive offers.

2. Member login information on the official website must not be forged or untrue (ex. such as personal information and credit card information). Once found, the company may refuse the right to join the membership of the official website. And can suspend or terminate its official website membership, if it violates the relevant laws of the Republic of China, it will also be investigated according to law.

3. When the basic information of members on the official website (ex: address, phone number and other login information) changes, please update the relevant personal information from time to time to ensure its correctness and completeness. If there are errors or inconsistencies in the information you provide, this website has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse you to continue to use this service.

4. Without the consent of the official website members themselves, the company will not disclose personal privacy information to third parties in principle, except for the principle of data sharing... etc. (Please refer to the relevant provisions of the "Privacy Protection Statement" on this site) .

5. Members of the official website should keep their passwords properly, and must not disclose or provide the passwords to others to know or use; all actions performed by using the service with the same official website member ID number and password will be considered as the official website member himself and Behavior of Password Holders.

6. If a member of the official website finds or suspects that a third party uses his ID number or password, he should immediately notify the company and take necessary precautionary measures. However, the above notice shall not be interpreted as the company's responsibility or obligation for any form of compensation or compensation to the members of the official website.

usage behavior

1. All your behaviors of using this service must comply with relevant local or international laws and regulations; you must bear full responsibility for all behaviors of users.

2. You agree that you will never use this service for illegal purposes or in an illegal manner, and that you will truly abide by the relevant laws and regulations of the Republic of China and the international practice of the Internet, and promise not to use this service to engage in acts that infringe on the rights and interests of others or violate the law.

3. You should abide by the following restrictions when using the membership service on the official website of this site:

a) Damage the personality of others or intellectual property rights such as trademark rights and copyrights or other rights.

b) Use of words that violate public order or good customs or are otherwise illegal.

c) Extremist speech with strong political and religious overtones.

d) Without the permission of the company, you may not use this service or other resources provided by this website, including but not limited to graphic databases, software for writing and making web pages, etc., to engage in any commercial transactions, or solicit advertisers or sponsors.

e) Other content that violates the "Membership Terms of Service" of this site.

 Proprietary rights of the company

1. All software or content contained in this service or linked to this service, or the content provided by the company's advertisers or partners, are protected by their copyrights or other proprietary rights or laws.

2. When you transmit information to the services provided by the company, you agree that this information is fully open (anyone can browse). You authorize and permit the company to reproduce, modify, adapt or use all or part of the content in other forms, and use the content to make derivative works. The copyright of derivative works belongs to the company.

3. The company agrees that in addition to placing the above-mentioned your information and derivative works on this website for Internet users to browse in accordance with the terms of use, as well as related media owned by the company, it will never be illegally transferred to other direct profit-making purposes or infringe Use of Your Rights.

4. The ownership and management rights of the advertising boards and event information appearing on all web pages belong to the company. Users are not allowed to use all the information unless they have obtained the prior consent of the company.

5. Members of the official website agree and authorize this website to provide the required member information to the cooperative unit (third party) for the purpose of providing personalized services or related value-added services. If the member does not agree, the If its information is listed in the product or service list of the cooperative unit (third party), it can notify this website to delete its information from the list, and at the same time give up its shopping discounts or winning rights outside this website.

6. At the same time, for the purpose of providing marketing, market analysis, statistics or research, or providing personalized services or value-added services for members of the official website, members of the official website agree that the company, or the strategic partners of the company, may record, save, and use The information and records retained or generated by members on this website can be disclosed or used statistically without disclosing the information.

7. For the personal data registered by the members of the official website, the members of the official website agree that the website may collect, process, store, transmit and use such data within a reasonable range to provide other information or services for users, or to make member statistical data, Or to conduct surveys or marketing research on Internet behavior.

 Termination of authorization

If your use of this service violates any laws or the terms of use or endangers the rights and interests of this website or a third party, the company has the right to immediately temporarily or permanently terminate your authorization to use this service without notifying you.


1. When the following situations occur, this website has the right to stop or interrupt the provision of this service:

a) When replacing, upgrading, maintaining or constructing software and hardware equipment related to this service.

b) Sudden failure of electronic communication equipment occurs.

c) When natural disasters or other force majeure factors make this website unable to provide services.

2. The company shall not be liable for compensation for any direct, indirect, derivative property or non-property damages caused by the user's use of the service or the use of the service.

3. Users should back up the text, pictures and other materials of uploaded messages by themselves; the company shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of all or part of the content for any reason.

4. The company does not assume any guarantee responsibility for the purpose or results of using this service, nor does it guarantee that the software related to this service will be free from defects or will be corrected.

5. All your remarks, opinions or actions on this site represent only you; they do not represent the position of the company, and the company does not take any responsibility. The company does not guarantee the correctness of the identity claimed by the user.

6. The company is not responsible to you or anyone for any intimidation, defamation, obscenity or other illegal acts that occur on or through the service.

7. For any goods or services you purchase or obtain through this service, or publish, sell or deliver through our sponsors or advertisers, you should bear the possible risks or negotiate with the goods or service providers in accordance with the law The claim has nothing to do with the company, and the company shall not bear any responsibility.

 right to modify

1. When you start using this service, it means that you have fully read, understood and agreed to accept the content of these terms. The company has the right to modify and change the content of these terms at any time, and will not notify members individually. It is recommended that you check the terms of service regularly. If you continue to use the service after the modification and change of the terms, it is deemed that you have read, understood and agreed to accept the modification or change of the terms.

2. The company has the right to temporarily or permanently modify or suspend the provision of this service to you, and you shall not claim any compensation for this.

Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

1. The software, programs and all content on this website, including but not limited to works, pictures, files, information, materials, website architecture, and web design, are legally owned by this website or other rights holders, including But not limited to trademark rights, patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets and know-how.

2. No one is allowed to use, modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, adapt, distribute, distribute, publicly publish, restore engineering, decompile or reverse assemble. If you want to quote or reproduce the aforementioned software, programs or website content, you must obtain the prior written consent of this website or other obligees according to law. In case of any violation, you shall be liable for damages to this website or other obligees (including but not limited to litigation costs and attorney fees, etc.).

other regulations

1. The content of the user agreement and disclaimer of this website also constitutes a part of the terms of use.

2. For all disputes arising from the use of this service, the Taiwan Taichung District Court shall be the court of first instance jurisdiction.

3. If the company is investigated or prosecuted by a third party or administrative agency due to any behavior of your use of the service, the company has the right to request damages from you, including but not limited to litigation costs, attorney fees and goodwill loss etc.

4. For predictable hardware and software maintenance work, the company will notify members in an appropriate manner before the situation occurs, if it may cause system interruption or suspension.

Membership termination and the company's obligation to notify

1. The company has the right to change the content of various services or terminate any member account service.

2. If a member decides to terminate the membership of the company, he can directly notify the company by email or cancel by the mechanism provided by the company, and the company will cancel your membership information as soon as possible.

3. Members have the obligation to notify the cancellation of the company's membership, and from the date of cessation of the company's membership (based on the date of the company's email), they will lose all the benefits and rights provided by the service.

4. In order to avoid the loss of the rights and interests of the members due to malicious events, when the member notifies the company to stop the membership, the company will confirm the correctness by email again before canceling the membership.

Limitation Liability|Disclaimer

You are welcome to become a user of the www.urbancrewgarments.com website (hereinafter referred to as the company). In order to allow you to use the services of the company's website with peace of mind and protect your rights and interests, please make sure that you have read and clearly understood the following " Disclaimer", and agree that this website shall not be responsible for any of the following situations:

1. All information, trademarks, logos, images, video clips, sound files, links and other information (hereinafter referred to as "information") contained in this website are for reference only, and the company will change the information at any time, and To be determined by the company without prior notice. Whilst the Company has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information on this web page, the Company makes no express or implied warranties that such information is correct. The Company assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions.

2. The company may link to other organizations or provide or build relevant links to third-party webpages. The webpages or materials pointed to by these links are all provided by the linked websites, and the relevant rights are those All websites, content providers or legal rights holders, the company will not make any guarantee or assume any responsibility for the content of these web pages. Users who visit these pages will do so at their own risk. The company does not guarantee the authenticity, correctness, timeliness, completeness or legality of the various services.

3. The user starts to fill in the object information, personal data, upload pictures and other behaviors on the company's website, which means that you have agreed to the terms of use of the company's website. The above actions will be purely the user's personal behavior and the company's authenticity of its content or completeness without any responsibility.

4. The company will not be liable for any damages (including but not limited to computer viruses, system failures, and data loss) caused by the use or use of this website by any person. Any data damage, loss, theft or tampering caused by force majeure that affects the normal operation of the network due to computer virus invasion or outbreak, temporary shutdown due to government control, etc. has nothing to do with the company, and this website does not bear any direct, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES.

5. The company does not guarantee the stability, safety, error-freeness, and uninterruptedness of various services; the user expressly bears all risks and any damages that may occur in the use of this service.

6. The company may modify, suspend or interrupt all or part of the company's website at any time, including stopping or changing web page information, all or any services, columns, databases or content on this website, without prior notice to users. You can correct any errors or omissions in any part of our website, or you can add restrictions to certain items or services, or you can limit your use of all or part of our website without any responsibility for it. The company also reserves the right to disclose any information in accordance with legal requirements or government orders at any time.

7. With or without prior notice, the company reserves the right to update this disclaimer at any time, and any changes will take effect immediately when they are published on the company's website. Please be sure to review this disclaimer every time you visit this website. If you continue to use our website, you agree to be bound by the revised disclaimer.

Privacy Policy|Privacy Policy

This privacy protection policy refers to the URBAN CREW website (www.urbancrewgarments.com) of Urban Crew Garments Co., Ltd., hereinafter referred to as URBAN CREW. In protecting users' personal data, and providing